global_cycle  1.13.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
7  module utils
9  public remap_coef
11  contains
38  SUBROUTINE remap_coef( is, ie, js, je,&
39  im, jm, lon, lat, id1, id2, jdc, s2c, agrid )
41  implicit none
42  integer, intent(in):: is, ie, js, je
43  integer, intent(in):: im, jm
44  real, intent(in):: lon(im), lat(jm)
45  real, intent(out):: s2c(is:ie,js:je,4)
46  integer, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je):: id1, id2, jdc
47  real, intent(in):: agrid(is:ie,js:je,2)
48  ! local:
49  real :: rdlon(im)
50  real :: rdlat(jm)
51  real:: a1, b1
52  real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926
53  integer i,j, i1, i2, jc, i0, j0
54  do i=1,im-1
55  rdlon(i) = 1. / (lon(i+1) - lon(i))
56  enddo
57  rdlon(im) = 1. / (lon(1) + 2.*pi - lon(im))
59  do j=1,jm-1
60  rdlat(j) = 1. / (lat(j+1) - lat(j))
61  enddo
63  ! * Interpolate to cubed sphere cell center
64  do 5000 j=js,je
66  do i=is,ie
68  if ( agrid(i,j,1)>lon(im) ) then
69  i1 = im; i2 = 1
70  a1 = (agrid(i,j,1)-lon(im)) * rdlon(im)
71  elseif ( agrid(i,j,1)<lon(1) ) then
72  i1 = im; i2 = 1
73  a1 = (agrid(i,j,1)+2.*pi-lon(im)) * rdlon(im)
74  else
75  do i0=1,im-1
76  if ( agrid(i,j,1)>=lon(i0) .and. agrid(i,j,1)<=lon(i0+1) ) then
77  i1 = i0; i2 = i0+1
78  a1 = (agrid(i,j,1)-lon(i1)) * rdlon(i0)
79  go to 111
80  endif
81  enddo
82  endif
83 111 continue
85  if ( agrid(i,j,2)<lat(1) ) then
86  jc = 1
87  b1 = 0.
88  elseif ( agrid(i,j,2)>lat(jm) ) then
89  jc = jm-1
90  b1 = 1.
91  else
92  do j0=1,jm-1
93  if ( agrid(i,j,2)>=lat(j0) .and. agrid(i,j,2)<=lat(j0+1) ) then
94  jc = j0
95  b1 = (agrid(i,j,2)-lat(jc)) * rdlat(jc)
96  go to 222
97  endif
98  enddo
99  endif
100 222 continue
102  if ( a1<0.0 .or. a1>1.0 .or. b1<0.0 .or. b1>1.0 ) then
103  write(*,*) 'gid=', i,j,a1, b1
104  endif
106  s2c(i,j,1) = (1.-a1) * (1.-b1)
107  s2c(i,j,2) = a1 * (1.-b1)
108  s2c(i,j,3) = a1 * b1
109  s2c(i,j,4) = (1.-a1) * b1
110  id1(i,j) = i1
111  id2(i,j) = i2
112  jdc(i,j) = jc
113  enddo !i-loop
114 5000 continue ! j-loop
116  END SUBROUTINE remap_coef
118  end module utils
subroutine, public remap_coef(is, ie, js, je, im, jm, lon, lat, id1, id2, jdc, s2c, agrid)
Generate the weights and index of the grids used in the bilinear interpolation.
Definition: utils.F90:40
Module containing utility routines.
Definition: utils.F90:7