grid_tools  1.13.0
pesg.f90 File Reference

Routines to perform ESG regional grid mappings. More...

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Data Types

interface  pesg::bestesg_geo
interface  pesg::bestesg_map
interface  pesg::gaulegh
interface  pesg::get_edges
interface  pesg::get_meanq
interface  pesg::get_qofv
interface  pesg::get_qx
interface  pesg::gtoxm_ak_dd
interface  pesg::gtoxm_ak_rr
interface  pesg::guessak_geo
interface  pesg::guessak_map
interface  pesg::hgrid_ak
interface  pesg::hgrid_ak_dc
interface  pesg::hgrid_ak_dd
interface  pesg::hgrid_ak_rc
interface  pesg::hgrid_ak_rr
interface  pesg::xctoxm_ak
interface  pesg::xctoxs
interface  pesg::xmtog_ak_dd
interface  pesg::xmtog_ak_rr
interface  pesg::xmtoxc_ak
interface  pesg::xmtoxt
interface  pesg::xstoxc
interface  pesg::xstoxt
interface  pesg::xttoxm
interface  pesg::xttoxs
interface  pesg::zmtozt
interface  pesg::zttozm


module  pesg
 Suite of routines to perform the 2-parameter family of Extended Schmidt Gnomonic (ESG) regional grid mappings, and to optimize the the two parameters, A and K, of those mappings for a given rectangular domain's principal (median) semi-arcs with respect to a domain-averaged measure of distortion.


subroutine, public pesg::bestesg_geo (lam, garcx, garcy, a, k, marcx, marcy, q, ff)
 Get the best Extended Schmidt Gnomonic parameter, (a,k), for the given geographical half-spans, garcx and garcy, as well as the corresponding map-space half-spans, garcx and garcy (in degrees) and the quality diagnostic, Q(lam) for this optimal parameter choice. More...
subroutine, public pesg::bestesg_map (lam, marcx, marcy, a, k, garcx, garcy, q, ff)
 Get the best Extended Schmidt Gnomonic parameter, (a,k), for the given map-coordinate half-spans, marcx and marcy, as well as the corresponding geographical half-spans, garcx and garcy (in degrees) and the quality diagnostic, Q(lam) for this optimal parameter choice. More...
subroutine pesg::gaulegh (m, x, w)
 This Gauss-Legendre quadrature integrates exactly any even polynomial up to degree m*4-2 in the half-interval [0,1]. More...
subroutine, public pesg::get_edges (arcx, arcy, edgex, edgey)
 For angles (degrees) of the arcs spanning the halfwidths between the region's center and its x and y edges, get the two cartesian vectors that represent the locations of these edge midpoints in the positive x and y directions. More...
subroutine pesg::get_meanqd (ngh, lam, xg, wg, ak, ma, q, qdak, qdma, ga, gadak, gadma, ff)
 For a parameter vector, ak and a map-space domain-parameter vector, ma, return the lambda-parameterized quality diagnostic, Q, and the geographic domain-parameter vector ga. More...
subroutine pesg::get_meanqs (n, ngh, lam, xg, wg, aks, mas, qs, ff)
 Like getmeanqd, except for n different values, aks, of ak and n different values, mas of ma, and without any of the derivatives. More...
subroutine pesg::get_qofv (lam, v1, v2, v3, v4, q)
 The quadratic quantity Q depends linearly on v1 and v4 (which are already quadratic diagnostics of EL) and quadratically on v2 and v3 (which are linear diagnostics of EL). More...
subroutine pesg::get_qofvd (lam, v2, v3, v1d, v2d, v3d, v4d, qd)
 Like get_qofv, but for (only) the 2-vector derivatives of Q. More...
subroutine pesg::get_qsofvs (n, lam, v1s, v2s, v3s, v4s, qs)
 General util to convert value. More...
subroutine pesg::get_qx (j0, v1, v2, v3, v4)
 From a jacobian matrix, j0, get a sufficient set of v. More...
subroutine pesg::get_qxd (j0, j0d, v1, v2, v3, v4, v1d, v2d, v3d, v4d)
 From a jacobian matrix, j0, and its derivative, j0d, get a sufficient set of v. More...
subroutine pesg::gtoxm_ak_dd_g (A, K, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, delx, dely, dlat, dlon, xm, ff)
 Like gtoxm_ak_rr_g, except lat, lon, azimuth, are expressed in degrees. More...
subroutine pesg::gtoxm_ak_dd_m (A, K, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, dlat, dlon, xm, ff)
 Like gtoxm_ak_rr_m, except lat, lon, azimuth, are expressed in degrees. More...
subroutine pesg::gtoxm_ak_rr_g (A, K, plat, plon, pazi, delx, dely, lat, lon, xm, ff)
 Given the map specification (angles in radians), the grid spacing (in map-space units) and the sample lat-lon (in radian), return the the image in map space in a 2-vector in grid units. More...
subroutine pesg::gtoxm_ak_rr_m (A, K, plat, plon, pazi, lat, lon, xm, ff)
 Given the map specification (angles in radians), the grid spacing (in map-space units) and the sample lat-lon (in radian), return the the image in map space in a 2-vector in grid units. More...
subroutine pesg::guessak_geo (asp, arc, ak)
 Given an aspect ratio, asp<=1, and major semi-axis, arc, in geographical (degree) units measured along the rectangle's median, return a first guess for the parameter vector, ak, approximately optimal for the domain of the given dimensions. More...
subroutine pesg::guessak_map (asp, tmarcx, ak)
 Given an aspect ratio, asp<=1, and major semi-axis, arc, in map-space nondimensional units, return a first guess for the parameter vector, ak, approximately optimal for the domain of the given dimensions. More...
subroutine, public pesg::hgrid_ak (lx, ly, nx, ny, a, k, plat, plon, pazi, re, delxre, delyre, glat, glon, garea, ff)
 Like hgrid_ak_rr_c except the argument list includes the earth radius, re, and this is used to express the map-space grid increments in the dimensional units, delxre, delyre on entry, and to express the grid cell areas, garea, in dimensional units upon return. More...
subroutine pesg::hgrid_ak_c (lx, ly, nx, ny, a, k, plat, plon, pazi, re, delxre, delyre, glat, glon, garea, dx, dy, dangle_dx, dangle_dy, ff)
 Like hgrid_ak_rr_c except the argument list includes the earth radius, re, and this is used to express the map-space grid increments in the dimensional units, delxre, delyre on entry, and to express the grid cell areas, garea, and the x- and y- grid steps, dx and dy, in dimensional units upon return. More...
subroutine, public pesg::hgrid_ak_dc (lx, ly, nx, ny, a, k, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, delx, dely, xc, xcd, garea, ff)
 Use a and k as the parameters of an Extended Schmidt-transformed Gnomonic (ESG) mapping centered at (pdlat,pdlon) and twisted about this center by an azimuth angle of pdazi counterclockwise (these angles in degrees). More...
subroutine, public pesg::hgrid_ak_dd (lx, ly, nx, ny, a, k, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, delx, dely, gdlat, gdlon, garea, ff)
 Use a and k as the parameters of an Extended Schmidt-transformed Gnomonic (ESG) mapping centered at (pdlat,pdlon) and twisted about this center by an azimuth angle of pdazi counterclockwise (these angles in degrees). More...
subroutine pesg::hgrid_ak_dd_c (lx, ly, nx, ny, a, k, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, delx, dely, gdlat, gdlon, garea, dx, dy, dangle_dx, dangle_dy, ff)
 Like hgrid_ak_rr_c, except all the angle arguments (but not delx,dely) are in degrees instead of radians. More...
subroutine, public pesg::hgrid_ak_rc (lx, ly, nx, ny, A, K, plat, plon, pazi, delx, dely, xc, xcd, garea, ff)
 Use a and k as the parameters of an Extended Schmidt-transformed Gnomonic (ESG) mapping centered at (plat,plon) and twisted about this center by an azimuth angle of pazi counterclockwise (these angles in radians). More...
subroutine, public pesg::hgrid_ak_rr (lx, ly, nx, ny, A, K, plat, plon, pazi, delx, dely, glat, glon, garea, ff)
 Use a and k as the parameters of an Extended Schmidt-transformed Gnomonic (ESG) mapping centered at (plat,plon) and twisted about this center by an azimuth angle of pazi counterclockwise (these angles in radians). More...
subroutine pesg::hgrid_ak_rr_c (lx, ly, nx, ny, a, k, plat, plon, pazi, delx, dely, glat, glon, garea, dx, dy, angle_dx, angle_dy, ff)
 Use a and k as the parameters of an extended Schmidt-transformed gnomonic (ESG) mapping centered at (plat,plon) and twisted about this center by an azimuth angle of pazi counterclockwise (these angles in radians). More...
subroutine, public pesg::xctoxm_ak (a, k, xc, xm, ff)
 Inverse mapping of xmtoxc_ak. More...
subroutine pesg::xctoxs (xc, xs)
 Inverse of xstoxc. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtog_ak_dd_g (A, K, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, delx, dely, xm, dlat, dlon, ff)
 Like xmtog_ak_rr_g, except lat, lon, azimuth, are expressed in degrees. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtog_ak_dd_m (A, K, pdlat, pdlon, pdazi, xm, dlat, dlon, ff)
 Like xmtog_ak_rr_m, except lat, lon, azimuth, are expressed in degrees. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtog_ak_rr_g (A, K, plat, plon, pazi, delx, dely, xm, lat, lon, ff)
 For an ESG map with parameters, (A,K), and geographical orientation, given by plon,plat,pazi (radians), and given a point in grid-space units as the 2-vector, xm, return the geographical coordinates, lat, lon, (radians) of this point. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtog_ak_rr_m (A, K, plat, plon, pazi, xm, lat, lon, ff)
 Given the ESG map specified by parameters (A,K) and geographical center and orientation, plat,plon,pazi (radians), and a position, in map-space coordinates given by the 2-vector, xm, return the geographical coordinates, lat and lon (radians). More...
subroutine, public pesg::xmtoxc_ak (a, k, xm, xc, xcd, ff)
 Assuming the A-K parameterization of the Extended Schmidt-transformed Gnomonic (ESG) mapping, and given a map-space 2-vector, xm, find the corresponding cartesian unit 3-vector and its derivative wrt xm, jacobian matrix, xcd. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtoxc_vak (ak, xm, xc, xcd, ff)
 Assuming the vector AK parameterization of the Extended Schmidt-transformed Gnomonic (ESG) mapping with parameter vector, and given a map-space 2-vector, xm, find the corresponding cartesian unit 3-vector and its derivative wrt xm, the Jacobian matrix, xcd. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtoxc_vak1 (ak, xm, xc, xcd, xc1, xcd1, ff)
 Like xmtoxc_vak, _ak, but also return derivatives wrt ak. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtoxt (a, xm, xt, xtd, ff)
 Like zmtozt, but for 2-vector xm and xt, and 2*2 diagonal Jacobian xtd. More...
subroutine pesg::xmtoxt1 (a, xm, xt, xtd, xt1, xtd1, ff)
 Like zmtozt1, but for 2-vector xm and xt, and 2*2 diagonal Jacobian xtd Also, the derivatives, wrt a, of these quantities. More...
subroutine pesg::xstoxc (xs, xc, xcd)
 Standard transformation from polar stereographic map coordinates, xs, to cartesian, xc, assuming the projection axis is polar. More...
subroutine pesg::xstoxc1 (xs, xc, xcd, xcdd)
 Standard transformation from polar stereographic map coordinates, xs, to cartesian, xc, assuming the projection axis is polar. More...
subroutine pesg::xstoxt (k, xs, xt, ff)
 Inverse of xttoxs. More...
subroutine pesg::xttoxm (a, xt, xm, ff)
 Inverse of xmtoxt. More...
subroutine pesg::xttoxs (k, xt, xs, xsd, ff)
 Scaled gnomonic plane xt to standard stereographic plane xs. More...
subroutine pesg::xttoxs1 (k, xt, xs, xsd, xsdd, xs1, xsd1, ff)
 Like xttoxs, but also, return the derivatives, wrt K, of xs and xsd. More...
subroutine pesg::zmtozt (a, zm, zt, ztd, ff)
 Evaluate the function, zt = tan(sqrt(A)*z)/sqrt(A), and its derivative, ztd, for positive and negative A and for the limiting case, A –> 0. More...
subroutine pesg::zmtozt1 (a, zm, zt, ztd, zt1, ztd1, ff)
 Like zmtozt, but also, get the derivative with respect to a, zt1 of zt, and ztd1 of ztd. More...
subroutine pesg::zttozm (a, zt, zm, ff)
 Inverse of zmtozt. More...

Detailed Description

Routines to perform ESG regional grid mappings.

R. J. Purser
May 2020

Definition in file pesg.f90.