grid_tools  1.13.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 module cstgeo ! Constants for orientation and stretching of map
8 use pkind, only: sp
9 implicit none
10 real(sp),dimension(3,3):: rotm
11 real(sp) :: sc
12 real(sp) :: sci
13 end module cstgeo
17 module dcstgeo ! Constants for orientation and stretching of map
18 use pkind, only: dp
19 implicit none
20 real(dp),dimension(3,3):: rotm
21 real(dp) :: sc
22 real(dp) :: sci
23 end module dcstgeo
27 module pmat5
28 use pkind, only: spi,sp,dp
29 implicit none
30 private
31 public :: ininmap,inivmap,ctogr,grtoc,ctog,gtoc,&
34 interface ininmap; module procedure sininmap,dininmap; end interface
35 interface inivmap; module procedure sinivmap,dinivmap; end interface
36 interface ctogr; module procedure sctogr, dctogr; end interface
37 interface grtoc
38  module procedure sgrtoc,dgrtoc, sgrtocd,dgrtocd, sgrtocdd,dgrtocdd
39  end interface
40 interface ctog; module procedure sctog, dctog; end interface
41 interface gtoc
42  module procedure sgtoc,dgtoc, sgtocd,dgtocd, sgtocdd,dgtocdd; end interface
43 interface gtoframe
44  module procedure sgtoframev,gtoframev,sgtoframem,gtoframem; end interface
45 interface paraframe; module procedure sparaframe,paraframe; end interface
46 interface frametwist;module procedure sframetwist,frametwist; end interface
47 interface ctoc_schm
48  module procedure sctoc,dctoc, sctocd,dctocd, sctocdd,dctocdd; end interface
49 interface plrot; module procedure plrot, dplrot; end interface
50 interface plroti; module procedure plroti,dplroti; end interface
51 interface plctoc; module procedure plctoc; end interface
52 contains
63 subroutine sininmap(alon0,alat0,rot3)! [ininmap]
64 use pietc_s, only: u0,dtor
65 implicit none
66 real(sp), intent(IN ):: alon0,alat0
67 real(sp),dimension(3,3),intent(OUT):: rot3
68 real(sp) :: blon0,blat0,clon0,clat0,slon0,slat0
69 blon0=dtor*alon0; clon0=cos(blon0); slon0=sin(blon0)
70 blat0=dtor*alat0; clat0=cos(blat0); slat0=sin(blat0)
71 rot3(1,1)=slat0*clon0; rot3(1,2)=slat0*slon0; rot3(1,3)=-clat0
72 rot3(2,1)=-slon0; rot3(2,2)=clon0; rot3(2,3)=u0
73 rot3(3,1)=clat0*clon0; rot3(3,2)=clat0*slon0; rot3(3,3)=slat0
74 end subroutine sininmap
85 subroutine dininmap(alon0,alat0,rot3)! [ininmap]
86 use pietc, only: u0,dtor
87 implicit none
88 real(dp), intent(IN ):: alon0,alat0
89 real(dp),dimension(3,3),intent(OUT):: rot3
90 real(dp) :: blon0,blat0,clon0,clat0,slon0,slat0
91 blon0=dtor*alon0; clon0=cos(blon0); slon0=sin(blon0)
92 blat0=dtor*alat0; clat0=cos(blat0); slat0=sin(blat0)
93 rot3(1,1)=slat0*clon0; rot3(1,2)=slat0*slon0; rot3(1,3)=-clat0
94 rot3(2,1)=-slon0; rot3(2,2)=clon0; rot3(2,3)=u0
95 rot3(3,1)=clat0*clon0; rot3(3,2)=clat0*slon0; rot3(3,3)=slat0
96 end subroutine dininmap
107 subroutine sinivmap(alon0,alat0,rot3)! [inivmap]
108 use pietc_s, only: u0,dtor
109 implicit none
110 real(sp), intent(IN ):: alon0,alat0
111 real(sp),dimension(3,3),intent(OUT):: rot3
112 real(sp) :: blon0,blat0,clon0,clat0,slon0,slat0
113 blon0=dtor*alon0
114 blat0=dtor*alat0
115 clon0=cos(blon0)
116 slon0=sin(blon0)
117 clat0=cos(blat0)
118 slat0=sin(blat0)
119 rot3(1,1)=-slon0
120 rot3(1,2)=clon0
121 rot3(1,3)=u0
122 rot3(2,1)=-slat0*clon0
123 rot3(2,2)=-slat0*slon0
124 rot3(2,3)=clat0
125 rot3(3,1)=clat0*clon0
126 rot3(3,2)=clat0*slon0
127 rot3(3,3)=slat0
128 end subroutine sinivmap
139 subroutine dinivmap(alon0,alat0,rot3)! [inivmap]
140 use pietc, only: u0,dtor
141 implicit none
142 real(dp), intent(IN ):: alon0,alat0
143 real(dp),dimension(3,3),intent(OUT):: rot3
144 real(dp) :: blon0,blat0,clon0,clat0,slon0,slat0
145 blon0=dtor*alon0
146 blat0=dtor*alat0
147 clon0=cos(blon0)
148 slon0=sin(blon0)
149 clat0=cos(blat0)
150 slat0=sin(blat0)
151 rot3(1,1)=-slon0
152 rot3(1,2)=clon0
153 rot3(1,3)=u0
154 rot3(2,1)=-slat0*clon0
155 rot3(2,2)=-slat0*slon0
156 rot3(2,3)=clat0
157 rot3(3,1)=clat0*clon0
158 rot3(3,2)=clat0*slon0
159 rot3(3,3)=slat0
160 end subroutine dinivmap
172 subroutine sctogr(xe,rlat,rlon)! [ctogr]
173 use pietc_s, only: u0
174 implicit none
175 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(IN ):: xe
176 real(sp), intent(OUT):: rlat,rlon
177 real(sp) :: r
178 r=sqrt(xe(1)**2+xe(2)**2)
179 rlat=atan2(xe(3),r)
180 if(r==u0)then
181  rlon=u0
182 else
183  rlon=atan2(xe(2),xe(1))
184 endif
185 end subroutine sctogr
197 subroutine dctogr(xe,rlat,rlon)! [ctogr]
198 use pietc, only: u0
199 implicit none
200 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(IN ):: xe
201 real(dp), intent(OUT):: rlat,rlon
202 real(dp) :: r
203 r=sqrt(xe(1)**2+xe(2)**2)
204 rlat=atan2(xe(3),r)
205 if(r==u0)then
206  rlon=u0
207 else
208  rlon=atan2(xe(2),xe(1))
209 endif
210 end subroutine dctogr
219 subroutine sgrtoc(rlat,rlon,xe)! [grtoc]
220 implicit none
221 real(sp), intent(IN ):: rlat,rlon
222 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe
223 real(sp) :: sla,cla,slo,clo
224 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
225 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
226 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
227 end subroutine sgrtoc
236 subroutine dgrtoc(rlat,rlon,xe)! [grtoc]
237 implicit none
238 real(dp), intent(IN ):: rlat,rlon
239 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe
240 real(dp) :: sla,cla,slo,clo
241 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
242 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
243 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
244 end subroutine dgrtoc
256 subroutine sgrtocd(rlat,rlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon)! [grtoc]
257 implicit none
258 real(sp), intent(IN ):: rlat,rlon
259 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon
260 real(dp) :: rlat_d,rlon_d
261 real(dp),dimension(3):: xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d
262 rlat_d=rlat; rlon_d=rlon
263 call dgrtocd(rlat_d,rlon_d,xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d)
264 xe =xe_d
265 dxedlat=dxedlat_d
266 dxedlon=dxedlon_d
267 end subroutine sgrtocd
279 subroutine dgrtocd(rlat,rlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon)! [grtoc]
280 use pietc, only: u0
281 implicit none
282 real(dp), intent(IN ):: rlat,rlon
283 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon
284 real(dp) :: sla,cla,slo,clo
285 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
286 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
287 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
288 dxedlat(1)=-sla*clo; dxedlat(2)=-sla*slo; dxedlat(3)=cla
289 dxedlon(1)=-cla*slo; dxedlon(2)= cla*clo; dxedlon(3)=u0
290 end subroutine dgrtocd
305 subroutine sgrtocdd(rlat,rlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &! [grtoc]
306  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon)
307 implicit none
308 real(sp), intent(IN ):: rlat,rlon
309 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &
310  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon
311 real(dp) :: rlat_d,rlon_d
312 real(dp),dimension(3):: xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d, &
313  ddxedlatdlat_d,ddxedlatdlon_d,ddxedlondlon_d
314 rlat_d=rlat; rlon_d=rlon
315 call dgtocdd(rlat_d,rlon_d,xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d, &
316  ddxedlatdlat_d,ddxedlatdlon_d,ddxedlondlon_d)
317 xe =xe_d
318 dxedlat =dxedlat_d
319 dxedlon =dxedlon_d
320 ddxedlatdlat=ddxedlatdlat_d
321 ddxedlatdlon=ddxedlatdlon_d
322 ddxedlondlon=ddxedlondlon_d
323 end subroutine sgrtocdd
338 subroutine dgrtocdd(rlat,rlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &! [grtoc]
339  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon)
340 use pietc, only: u0
341 implicit none
342 real(dp), intent(IN ):: rlat,rlon
343 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &
344  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon
345 real(dp) :: sla,cla,slo,clo
346 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
347 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
348 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
349 dxedlat(1)=-sla*clo; dxedlat(2)=-sla*slo; dxedlat(3)=cla
350 dxedlon(1)=-cla*slo; dxedlon(2)= cla*clo; dxedlon(3)=u0
351 ddxedlatdlat(1)=-cla*clo
352 ddxedlatdlat(2)=-cla*slo
353 ddxedlatdlat(3)=-sla
354 ddxedlatdlon(1)= sla*slo
355 ddxedlatdlon(2)=-sla*clo
356 ddxedlatdlon(3)= u0
357 ddxedlondlon(1)=-cla*clo
358 ddxedlondlon(2)=-cla*slo
359 ddxedlondlon(3)= u0
360 end subroutine dgrtocdd
372 subroutine sctog(xe,dlat,dlon)! [ctog]
373 use pietc_s, only: u0,rtod
374 implicit none
375 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(IN ):: xe
376 real(sp), intent(OUT):: dlat,dlon
377 real(sp) :: r
378 r=sqrt(xe(1)**2+xe(2)**2)
379 dlat=atan2(xe(3),r)*rtod
380 if(r==u0)then
381  dlon=u0
382 else
383  dlon=atan2(xe(2),xe(1))*rtod
384 endif
385 end subroutine sctog
397 subroutine dctog(xe,dlat,dlon)! [ctog]
398 use pietc, only: u0,rtod
399 implicit none
400 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(IN ):: xe
401 real(dp), intent(OUT):: dlat,dlon
402 real(dp) :: r
403 r=sqrt(xe(1)**2+xe(2)**2)
404 dlat=atan2(xe(3),r)*rtod
405 if(r==u0)then
406  dlon=u0
407 else
408  dlon=atan2(xe(2),xe(1))*rtod
409 endif
410 end subroutine dctog
422 subroutine sgtoc(dlat,dlon,xe)! [gtoc]
423 use pietc_s, only: dtor
424 implicit none
425 real(sp), intent(IN ):: dlat,dlon
426 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe
427 real(sp) :: rlat,rlon,sla,cla,slo,clo
428 rlat=dtor*dlat; rlon=dtor*dlon
429 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
430 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
431 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
432 end subroutine sgtoc
444 subroutine dgtoc(dlat,dlon,xe)! [gtoc]
445 use pietc, only: dtor
446 implicit none
447 real(dp), intent(IN ):: dlat,dlon
448 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe
449 real(dp) :: rlat,rlon,sla,cla,slo,clo
450 rlat=dtor*dlat; rlon=dtor*dlon
451 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
452 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
453 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
454 end subroutine dgtoc
469 subroutine sgtocd(dlat,dlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon)! [gtoc]
470 implicit none
471 real(sp), intent(IN ):: dlat,dlon
472 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon
473 real(dp) :: dlat_d,dlon_d
474 real(dp),dimension(3):: xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d
475 dlat_d=dlat; dlon_d=dlon
476 call dgtocd(dlat_d,dlon_d,xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d)
477 xe =xe_d
478 dxedlat=dxedlat_d
479 dxedlon=dxedlon_d
480 end subroutine sgtocd
495 subroutine dgtocd(dlat,dlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon)! [gtoc]
496 use pietc, only: u0,dtor
497 implicit none
498 real(dp), intent(IN ):: dlat,dlon
499 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon
500 real(dp) :: rlat,rlon,sla,cla,slo,clo
501 rlat=dtor*dlat; rlon=dtor*dlon
502 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
503 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
504 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
505 dxedlat(1)=-sla*clo; dxedlat(2)=-sla*slo; dxedlat(3)=cla; dxedlat=dxedlat*dtor
506 dxedlon(1)=-cla*slo; dxedlon(2)= cla*clo; dxedlon(3)=u0 ; dxedlon=dxedlon*dtor
507 end subroutine dgtocd
526 subroutine sgtocdd(dlat,dlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &
527  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon)! [gtoc]
528 implicit none
529 real(sp), intent(IN ):: dlat,dlon
530 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &
531  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon
532 real(dp) :: dlat_d,dlon_d
533 real(dp),dimension(3):: xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d, &
534  ddxedlatdlat_d,ddxedlatdlon_d,ddxedlondlon_d
535 dlat_d=dlat; dlon_d=dlon
536 call dgtocdd(dlat_d,dlon_d,xe_d,dxedlat_d,dxedlon_d, &
537  ddxedlatdlat_d,ddxedlatdlon_d,ddxedlondlon_d)
538 xe =xe_d
539 dxedlat =dxedlat_d
540 dxedlon =dxedlon_d
541 ddxedlatdlat=ddxedlatdlat_d
542 ddxedlatdlon=ddxedlatdlon_d
543 ddxedlondlon=ddxedlondlon_d
544 end subroutine sgtocdd
563 subroutine dgtocdd(dlat,dlon,xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &
564  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon)! [gtoc]
565 use pietc, only: u0,dtor
566 implicit none
567 real(dp), intent(IN ):: dlat,dlon
568 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(OUT):: xe,dxedlat,dxedlon, &
569  ddxedlatdlat,ddxedlatdlon,ddxedlondlon
570 real(dp) :: rlat,rlon,sla,cla,slo,clo
571 rlat=dtor*dlat; rlon=dtor*dlon
572 sla=sin(rlat); cla=cos(rlat)
573 slo=sin(rlon); clo=cos(rlon)
574 xe(1)=cla*clo; xe(2)=cla*slo; xe(3)=sla
575 dxedlat(1)=-sla*clo; dxedlat(2)=-sla*slo; dxedlat(3)=cla; dxedlat=dxedlat*dtor
576 dxedlon(1)=-cla*slo; dxedlon(2)= cla*clo; dxedlon(3)=u0 ; dxedlon=dxedlon*dtor
577 ddxedlatdlat(1)=-cla*clo
578 ddxedlatdlat(2)=-cla*slo
579 ddxedlatdlat(3)=-sla
580 ddxedlatdlon(1)= sla*slo
581 ddxedlatdlon(2)=-sla*clo
582 ddxedlatdlon(3)= u0
583 ddxedlondlon(1)=-cla*clo
584 ddxedlondlon(2)=-cla*slo
585 ddxedlondlon(3)= u0
586 ddxedlatdlat=ddxedlatdlat*dtor**2
587 ddxedlatdlon=ddxedlatdlon*dtor**2
588 ddxedlondlon=ddxedlondlon*dtor**2
589 end subroutine dgtocdd
599 subroutine sgtoframem(splat,splon,sorth)! [gtoframe]
600 implicit none
601 real(sp), intent(in ):: splat,splon
602 real(sp),dimension(3,3),intent(out):: sorth
603 real(dp):: plat,plon
604 real(dp),dimension(3,3):: orth
605 plat=splat; plon=splon; call gtoframem(plat,plon,orth); sorth=orth
606 end subroutine sgtoframem
616 subroutine gtoframem(plat,plon,orth)! [gtoframe]
617 implicit none
618 real(dp), intent(in ):: plat,plon
619 real(dp),dimension(3,3),intent(out):: orth
620 real(dp),dimension(3):: xp,yp,zp
621 call gtoframev(plat,plon, xp,yp,zp)
622 orth(:,1)=xp; orth(:,2)=yp; orth(:,3)=zp
623 end subroutine gtoframem
636 subroutine sgtoframev(splat,splon,sxp,syp,szp)! [gtoframe]
637 !==============================================================================
638 implicit none
639 real(sp), intent(in ):: splat,splon
640 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(out):: sxp,syp,szp
641 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
642 real(dp) :: plat,plon
643 real(dp),dimension(3):: xp,yp,zp
644 !==============================================================================
645 plat=splat; plon=splon
646 call gtoframev(plat,plon, xp,yp,zp)
647 sxp=xp; syp=yp; szp=zp
648 end subroutine sgtoframev
661 subroutine gtoframev(plat,plon, xp,yp,zp)! [gtoframe]
662 use pietc, only: u0,u1
663 implicit none
664 real(dp), intent(in ):: plat,plon
665 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(out):: xp,yp,zp
666 real(dp),dimension(3):: dzpdlat,dzpdlon
667 if(plat==90)then ! is this the north pole?
668  xp=(/ u0,u1, u0/) ! Assume the limiting case lat-->90 along the 0-meridian
669  yp=(/-u1,u0, u0/) !
670  zp=(/ u0,u0, u1/)
671 elseif(plat==-90)then
672  xp=(/ u0,u1, u0/) ! Assume the limiting case lat-->90 along the 0-meridian
673  yp=(/ u1,u0, u0/) !
674  zp=(/ u0,u0,-u1/)
675 else
676  call gtoc(plat,plon,zp,dzpdlat,dzpdlon)
677  xp=dzpdlon/sqrt(dot_product(dzpdlon,dzpdlon))
678  yp=dzpdlat/sqrt(dot_product(dzpdlat,dzpdlat))
679 endif
680 end subroutine gtoframev
695 subroutine sparaframe(sxp,syp,szp, sxv,syv,szv)! [paraframe]
696 implicit none
697 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(in ):: sxp,syp,szp, szv
698 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(out):: sxv,syv
699 real(dp),dimension(3):: xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv
700 xp=sxp; yp=syp; zp=szp
701 call paraframe(xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv)
702 sxv=xv; syv=yv
703 end subroutine sparaframe
718 subroutine paraframe(xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv)! [paraframe]
720 implicit none
721 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(in ):: xp,yp,zp, zv
722 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(out):: xv,yv
723 real(dp) :: xpofv,ypofv,theta,ctheta,stheta
724 real(dp),dimension(3):: xq,yq
725 xpofv=dot_product(xp,zv)
726 ypofv=dot_product(yp,zv)
727 theta=atan2(ypofv,xpofv); ctheta=cos(theta); stheta=sin(theta)
728 xq=zv-zp; xq=xq-zv*dot_product(xq,zv); xq=normalized(xq)
729 yq=cross_product(zv,xq)
730 xv=xq*ctheta-yq*stheta
731 yv=xq*stheta+yq*ctheta
732 end subroutine paraframe
750 subroutine sframetwist(sxp,syp,szp, sxv,syv,szv, stwist)! [frametwist]
751 implicit none
752 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(in ):: sxp,syp,szp, sxv,syv,szv
753 real(sp), intent(out):: stwist
754 real(dp),dimension(3):: xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv
755 real(dp) :: twist
756 xp=sxp;yp=syp; zp=szp; xv=sxv; yv=syv; zv=szv
757 call frametwist(xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv, twist)
758 stwist=twist
759 end subroutine sframetwist
777 subroutine frametwist(xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv, twist)! [frametwist]
778 implicit none
779 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(in ):: xp,yp,zp, xv,yv,zv
780 real(dp), intent(out):: twist
781 real(dp),dimension(3):: xxv,yyv
782 real(dp) :: c,s
783 call paraframe(xp,yp,zp, xxv,yyv,zv)
784 c=dot_product(xv,xxv); s=dot_product(xv,yyv)
785 twist=atan2(s,c)
786 end subroutine frametwist
794 subroutine sctoc(s,xc1,xc2)! [ctoc_schm]
795 use pietc_s, only: u1,u2
796 implicit none
797 real(sp), intent(IN ):: s
798 real(sp),dimension(3),intent(INOUT):: xc1,xc2
799 real(sp) :: x,y,z,a,b,d,e,ab2,aa,bb,di,aapbb,aambb
800 x=xc1(1); y=xc1(2); z=xc1(3)
801 a=s+u1
802 b=s-u1
803 ab2=a*b*u2
804 aa=a*a
805 bb=b*b
806 aapbb=aa+bb
807 aambb=aa-bb
808 d=aapbb-ab2*z
809 e=aapbb*z-ab2
810 di=u1/d
811 xc2(1)=(aambb*x)*di
812 xc2(2)=(aambb*y)*di
813 xc2(3)=e*di
814 end subroutine sctoc
824 subroutine sctocd(s,xc1,xc2,dxc2)! [ctoc_schm]
825 use pietc_s, only: u0,u1,u2
826 implicit none
827 real(sp),intent(IN) :: s
828 real(sp),dimension(3), intent(INOUT):: xc1,xc2
829 real(sp),dimension(3,3),intent( OUT):: dxc2
830 real(sp) :: x,y,z,a,b,d,e, &
831  ab2,aa,bb,di,ddi,aapbb,aambb
832 x=xc1(1); y=xc1(2); z=xc1(3)
833 a=s+u1
834 b=s-u1
835 ab2=a*b*u2
836 aa=a*a
837 bb=b*b
838 aapbb=aa+bb
839 aambb=aa-bb
840 d=aapbb-ab2*z
841 e=aapbb*z-ab2
842 di=u1/d
843 xc2(1)=(aambb*x)*di
844 xc2(2)=(aambb*y)*di
845 xc2(3)=e*di
846 ddi=di*di
848 dxc2=u0
849 dxc2(1,1)=aambb*di
850 dxc2(1,3)=ab2*aambb*x*ddi
851 dxc2(2,2)=aambb*di
852 dxc2(2,3)=ab2*aambb*y*ddi
853 dxc2(3,3)=aapbb*di +ab2*e*ddi
854 end subroutine sctocd
865 subroutine sctocdd(s,xc1,xc2,dxc2,ddxc2)! [ctoc_schm]
866 use pietc_s, only: u0,u1,u2
867 implicit none
868 real(sp), intent(IN ):: s
869 real(sp),dimension(3), intent(INOUT):: xc1,xc2
870 real(sp),dimension(3,3), intent( OUT):: dxc2
871 real(sp),dimension(3,3,3),intent( OUT):: ddxc2
872 real(sp) :: x,y,z,a,b,d,e, &
873  ab2,aa,bb,di,ddi,dddi, &
874  aapbb,aambb
875 x=xc1(1); y=xc1(2); z=xc1(3)
876 a=s+u1
877 b=s-u1
878 ab2=a*b*u2
879 aa=a*a
880 bb=b*b
881 aapbb=aa+bb
882 aambb=aa-bb
883 d=aapbb-ab2*z
884 e=aapbb*z-ab2
885 di=u1/d
886 xc2(1)=(aambb*x)*di
887 xc2(2)=(aambb*y)*di
888 xc2(3)=e*di
889 ddi=di*di
890 dddi=ddi*di
892 dxc2=u0
893 dxc2(1,1)=aambb*di
894 dxc2(1,3)=ab2*aambb*x*ddi
895 dxc2(2,2)=aambb*di
896 dxc2(2,3)=ab2*aambb*y*ddi
897 dxc2(3,3)=aapbb*di +ab2*e*ddi
899 ddxc2=u0
900 ddxc2(1,1,3)=ab2*aambb*ddi
901 ddxc2(1,3,1)=ddxc2(1,1,3)
902 ddxc2(1,3,3)=u2*ab2**2*aambb*x*dddi
903 ddxc2(2,2,3)=ab2*aambb*ddi
904 ddxc2(2,3,2)=ddxc2(2,2,3)
905 ddxc2(2,3,3)=u2*ab2**2*aambb*y*dddi
906 ddxc2(3,3,3)=u2*ab2*(aapbb*ddi+ab2*e*dddi)
907 end subroutine sctocdd
915 subroutine dctoc(s,xc1,xc2)! [ctoc_schm]
916 use pietc, only: u1,u2
917 implicit none
918 real(dp), intent(IN ):: s
919 real(dp),dimension(3),intent(INOUT):: xc1,xc2
920 real(dp) :: x,y,z,a,b,d,e, &
921  ab2,aa,bb,di,aapbb,aambb
922 x=xc1(1); y=xc1(2); z=xc1(3)
923 a=s+u1
924 b=s-u1
925 ab2=a*b*u2
926 aa=a*a
927 bb=b*b
928 aapbb=aa+bb
929 aambb=aa-bb
930 d=aapbb-ab2*z
931 e=aapbb*z-ab2
932 di=u1/d
933 xc2(1)=(aambb*x)*di
934 xc2(2)=(aambb*y)*di
935 xc2(3)=e*di
936 end subroutine dctoc
946 subroutine dctocd(s,xc1,xc2,dxc2)! [ctoc_schm]
947 use pietc, only: u0,u1,u2
948 implicit none
949 real(dp), intent(IN ):: s
950 real(dp),dimension(3), intent(INOUT):: xc1,xc2
951 real(dp),dimension(3,3),intent( OUT):: dxc2
952 real(dp) :: x,y,z,a,b,d,e, &
953  ab2,aa,bb,di,ddi,aapbb,aambb
954 x=xc1(1); y=xc1(2); z=xc1(3)
955 a=s+u1
956 b=s-u1
957 ab2=a*b*u2
958 aa=a*a
959 bb=b*b
960 aapbb=aa+bb
961 aambb=aa-bb
962 d=aapbb-ab2*z
963 e=aapbb*z-ab2
964 di=u1/d
965 xc2(1)=(aambb*x)*di
966 xc2(2)=(aambb*y)*di
967 xc2(3)=e*di
968 ddi=di*di
970 dxc2=u0
971 dxc2(1,1)=aambb*di
972 dxc2(1,3)=ab2*aambb*x*ddi
973 dxc2(2,2)=aambb*di
974 dxc2(2,3)=ab2*aambb*y*ddi
975 dxc2(3,3)=aapbb*di +ab2*e*ddi
976 end subroutine dctocd
987 subroutine dctocdd(s,xc1,xc2,dxc2,ddxc2)! [ctoc_schm]
988 use pietc, only: u0,u1,u2
989 implicit none
990 real(dp),intent(IN) :: s
991 real(dp),dimension(3), intent(INOUT):: xc1,xc2
992 real(dp),dimension(3,3), intent(OUT ):: dxc2
993 real(dp),dimension(3,3,3),intent(OUT ):: ddxc2
994 real(dp) :: x,y,z,a,b,d,e, &
995  ab2,aa,bb,di,ddi,dddi, &
996  aapbb,aambb
997 x=xc1(1); y=xc1(2); z=xc1(3)
998 a=s+u1
999 b=s-u1
1000 ab2=a*b*u2
1001 aa=a*a
1002 bb=b*b
1003 aapbb=aa+bb
1004 aambb=aa-bb
1005 d=aapbb-ab2*z
1006 e=aapbb*z-ab2
1007 di=u1/d
1008 xc2(1)=(aambb*x)*di
1009 xc2(2)=(aambb*y)*di
1010 xc2(3)=e*di
1011 ddi=di*di
1012 dddi=ddi*di
1014 dxc2=u0
1015 dxc2(1,1)=aambb*di
1016 dxc2(1,3)=ab2*aambb*x*ddi
1017 dxc2(2,2)=aambb*di
1018 dxc2(2,3)=ab2*aambb*y*ddi
1019 dxc2(3,3)=aapbb*di +ab2*e*ddi
1021 ddxc2=u0
1022 ddxc2(1,1,3)=ab2*aambb*ddi
1023 ddxc2(1,3,1)=ddxc2(1,1,3)
1024 ddxc2(1,3,3)=u2*ab2**2*aambb*x*dddi
1025 ddxc2(2,2,3)=ab2*aambb*ddi
1026 ddxc2(2,3,2)=ddxc2(2,2,3)
1027 ddxc2(2,3,3)=u2*ab2**2*aambb*y*dddi
1028 ddxc2(3,3,3)=u2*ab2*(aapbb*ddi+ab2*e*dddi)
1029 end subroutine dctocdd
1039 subroutine plrot(rot3,n,x,y,z)! [plrot]
1040 implicit none
1041 integer, intent(IN ):: n
1042 real(sp),dimension(3,3),intent(IN ):: rot3
1043 real(sp),dimension(n), intent(INOUT):: x,y,z
1044 real(sp),dimension(3) :: t
1045 integer :: k
1046 do k=1,n
1047  t(1)=x(k); t(2)=y(k); t(3)=z(k)
1048  t=matmul(rot3,t)
1049  x(k)=t(1); y(k)=t(2); z(k)=t(3)
1050 enddo
1051 end subroutine plrot
1061 subroutine plroti(rot3,n,x,y,z)! [plroti]
1062 implicit none
1063 integer, intent(IN ):: n
1064 real(sp),dimension(3,3),intent(IN ):: rot3
1065 real(sp),dimension(n), intent(INOUT):: x,y,z
1066 real(sp),dimension(3) :: t
1067 integer :: k
1068 do k=1,n
1069  t(1)=x(k); t(2)=y(k); t(3)=z(k)
1070  t=matmul(t,rot3)
1071  x(k)=t(1); y(k)=t(2); z(k)=t(3)
1072 enddo
1073 end subroutine plroti
1083 subroutine dplrot(rot3,n,x,y,z)! [plrot]
1084 implicit none
1085 integer, intent(IN ):: n
1086 real(dP),dimension(3,3),intent(IN ):: rot3
1087 real(dP),dimension(n), intent(INOUT):: x,y,z
1088 real(dP),dimension(3) :: t
1089 integer :: k
1090 do k=1,n
1091  t(1)=x(k); t(2)=y(k); t(3)=z(k)
1092  t=matmul(rot3,t)
1093  x(k)=t(1); y(k)=t(2); z(k)=t(3)
1094 enddo
1095 end subroutine dplrot
1105 subroutine dplroti(rot3,n,x,y,z)! [plroti]
1106 implicit none
1107 integer, intent(IN ):: n
1108 real(dP),dimension(3,3),intent(IN ):: rot3
1109 real(dP),dimension(n), intent(INOUT):: x,y,z
1110 real(dP),dimension(3) :: t
1111 integer :: k
1112 do k=1,n
1113  t(1)=x(k); t(2)=y(k); t(3)=z(k)
1114  t=matmul(t,rot3)
1115  x(k)=t(1); y(k)=t(2); z(k)=t(3)
1116 enddo
1117 end subroutine dplroti
1127 subroutine plctoc(s,n,x,y,z)! [plctoc]
1128 use pietc_s, only: u1
1129 implicit none
1130 integer, intent(IN ):: n
1131 real(sp), intent(IN ):: s
1132 real(sp),dimension(n),intent(INOUT):: x,y,z
1133 real(sp) :: a,b,d,e,ab2,aa,bb,di,aapbb,aambb
1134 integer :: i
1135 a=s+u1
1136 b=s-u1
1137 ab2=a*b*2
1138 aa=a*a
1139 bb=b*b
1140 aapbb=aa+bb
1141 aambb=aa-bb
1142 do i=1,n
1143  d=aapbb-ab2*z(i)
1144  e=aapbb*z(i)-ab2
1145  di=1/d
1146  x(i)=(aambb*x(i))*di
1147  y(i)=(aambb*y(i))*di
1148  z(i)=e*di
1149 enddo
1150 end subroutine plctoc
1152 end module pmat5
subroutine sctog(xe, dlat, dlon)
Transform "Cartesian" to "Geographical" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:373
integer, parameter sp
Single precision real kind.
Definition: pkind.f90:10
integer, parameter dp
Double precision real kind.
Definition: pkind.f90:11
subroutine sgtocdd(dlat, dlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon, ddxedlatdlat, ddxedlatdlon, ddxedlondlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:528
subroutine sinivmap(alon0, alat0, rot3)
Initialize the rotation matrix ROT3 needed to transform standard earth-centered cartesian components ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:108
Constants for orientation and stretching of map.
Definition: pmat5.f90:17
subroutine sgrtoc(rlat, rlon, xe)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates.
Definition: pmat5.f90:220
subroutine sgtoframev(splat, splon, sxp, syp, szp)
Given a geographical point by its degrees lat and lon, plat and plon, return its standard orthogonal ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:637
Constants for orientation and stretching of map.
Definition: pmat5.f90:7
real(dp) sc
Schmidt stretching factor.
Definition: pmat5.f90:21
Standard integer, real, and complex single and double precision kinds.
Definition: pkind.f90:7
real(dp) sci
Schmidt inverse stretching factor.
Definition: pmat5.f90:22
real(dp), parameter u0
Definition: pietc.f90:19
subroutine dctocd(s, xc1, xc2, dxc2)
Evaluate Schmidt transformation, xc1 –> xc2, with scaling parameter s, and its jacobian, dxc2.
Definition: pmat5.f90:947
real(dp), parameter u2
Definition: pietc.f90:22
subroutine dplrot(rot3, n, x, y, z)
Apply a constant rotation to a three dimensional polyline.
Definition: pmat5.f90:1084
subroutine dgtocdd(dlat, dlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon, ddxedlatdlat, ddxedlatdlon, ddxedlondlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:565
subroutine sctogr(xe, rlat, rlon)
Transform "Cartesian" to "Geographical" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:173
subroutine sgrtocdd(rlat, rlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon, ddxedlatdlat, ddxedlatdlon, ddxedlondlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, together with the 1st and 2nd partial derivative...
Definition: pmat5.f90:307
subroutine dgrtoc(rlat, rlon, xe)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates.
Definition: pmat5.f90:237
real(sp) sc
Schmidt stretching factor.
Definition: pmat5.f90:11
subroutine sparaframe(sxp, syp, szp, sxv, syv, szv)
Take a principal reference orthonormal frame, {xp,yp,zp} and a dependent point defined by unit vector...
Definition: pmat5.f90:696
subroutine sframetwist(sxp, syp, szp, sxv, syv, szv, stwist)
Given a principal cartesian orthonormal frame, {xp,yp,zp} (i.e., at P with Earth-centered cartesians...
Definition: pmat5.f90:751
subroutine dctog(xe, dlat, dlon)
Transform "Cartesian" to "Geographical" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:398
subroutine gtoframem(plat, plon, orth)
From the degree lat and lon (plat and plon) return the standard orthogonal 3D frame at this location ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:617
real(sp), dimension(3, 3) rotm
Orthogonal rotation matrix.
Definition: pmat5.f90:10
subroutine dgrtocdd(rlat, rlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon, ddxedlatdlat, ddxedlatdlon, ddxedlondlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, together with the 1st and 2nd partial derivative...
Definition: pmat5.f90:340
subroutine sctocd(s, xc1, xc2, dxc2)
Evaluate Schmidt transformation, xc1 –> xc2, with scaling parameter s, and its jacobian, dxc2.
Definition: pmat5.f90:825
real(dp), dimension(3, 3) rotm
Orthogonal rotation matrix.
Definition: pmat5.f90:20
Module for handy vector and matrix operations in Euclidean geometry.
Definition: pmat4.f90:45
subroutine sctoc(s, xc1, xc2)
Evaluate Schmidt transformation, xc1 –> xc2, with scaling parameter s.
Definition: pmat5.f90:795
subroutine dctocdd(s, xc1, xc2, dxc2, ddxc2)
Evaluate Schmidt transformation, xc1 –> xc2, with scaling parameter s, its jacobian, dxc2, and its 2nd derivative, ddxc2.
Definition: pmat5.f90:988
subroutine sgtoframem(splat, splon, sorth)
From the degree lat and lon (plat and plon) return the standard orthogonal 3D frame at this location ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:600
logical, parameter t
for pain-relief in logical ops
Definition: pietc.f90:17
subroutine sctocdd(s, xc1, xc2, dxc2, ddxc2)
Evaluate Schmidt transformation, xc1 –> xc2, with scaling parameter s, its jacobian, dxc2, and its 2nd derivative, ddxc2.
Definition: pmat5.f90:866
real(dp), parameter dtor
Degrees to radians.
Definition: pietc.f90:54
subroutine dgrtocd(rlat, rlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, together with the partial derivatives of cartesi...
Definition: pmat5.f90:280
real(dp), parameter rtod
radians to degrees
Definition: pietc.f90:55
subroutine sgrtocd(rlat, rlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, together with the partial derivatives of cartesi...
Definition: pmat5.f90:257
subroutine gtoframev(plat, plon, xp, yp, zp)
Given a geographical point by its degrees lat and lon, plat and plon, return its standard orthogonal ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:662
subroutine dinivmap(alon0, alat0, rot3)
Initialize the rotation matrix ROT3 needed to transform standard earth-centered cartesian components ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:140
subroutine sininmap(alon0, alat0, rot3)
Initialize the rotation matrix ROT3 needed to transform standard earth-centered cartesian components ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:64
real(dp), parameter u1
Definition: pietc.f90:20
subroutine sgtocd(dlat, dlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:470
subroutine dplroti(rot3, n, x, y, z)
Invert the rotation of a three-dimensional polyline.
Definition: pmat5.f90:1106
subroutine dgtoc(dlat, dlon, xe)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:445
Some of the commonly used constants (pi etc) mainly for double-precision subroutines.
Definition: pietc.f90:14
subroutine sgtoc(dlat, dlon, xe)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:423
subroutine dctogr(xe, rlat, rlon)
Transform "Cartesian" to "Geographical" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:198
integer, parameter spi
Single precision integer kind.
Definition: pkind.f90:8
real(sp) sci
Schmidt inverse stretching factor.
Definition: pmat5.f90:12
Utility routines for orienting the globe and basic geographical mappings.
Definition: pmat5.f90:27
subroutine dgtocd(dlat, dlon, xe, dxedlat, dxedlon)
Transform "Geographical" to "Cartesian" coordinates, where the geographical coordinates refer to lati...
Definition: pmat5.f90:496
subroutine dininmap(alon0, alat0, rot3)
Initialize the rotation matrix ROT3 needed to transform standard earth-centered cartesian components ...
Definition: pmat5.f90:86
subroutine dctoc(s, xc1, xc2)
Evaluate Schmidt transformation, xc1 –> xc2, with scaling parameter s.
Definition: pmat5.f90:916