grid_tools  1.13.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
17  program shave_nc
18  use netcdf
19  implicit none
20  integer,parameter :: kdbl=selected_real_kind(p=13,r=200)
21  character(len=255) :: filename_full ! the netcdf input file
22  character(len=255) :: filename_shaved ! the NetCDF file for shaved data
23  integer :: idim_compute,jdim_compute,halo
24  integer :: i_count_compute,j_count_compute &
25  ,i_count_super,j_count_super
26  integer :: i_start ! starting i of 2-D data with halo rows
27  integer :: j_start ! starting j of 2-D data with halo rows
28  integer :: i_count ! i extent of 2-D data with halo rows
29  integer :: j_count ! j extent of 2-D data with halo rows
30  integer :: n_count
31  integer :: n_shave ! number of rows to shave off full data to leave halo rows
32  integer :: n_start ! location where Start reading incoming character data
34  integer :: n,na,ncid_in,ncid_out,nd,ndims,ngatts &
35  ,nvars,unlimdimid
36  integer :: natts ! # of attributes
37  integer :: nctype ! type of the nth variable
38  integer :: dim_id,len_dim,len_x,len_y,var_id,xdim_id,xdim_id_out &
39  ,ydim_id,ydim_id_out
40  integer :: istat
41  integer,dimension(1:2) :: dimids=(/0,0/)
42  real,dimension(:) ,allocatable :: var_1d_with_halo
43  real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: var_2d_with_halo
44  real(kind=kdbl),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: var_2d_dbl_with_halo
45 ! real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: var_2d_dbl_with_halo
46  character(len=50) :: file,name_dim,name_xdim,name_ydim &
47  ,xdim,ydim
48  character(len=50) :: name_att ! the attribute's name
49  character(len=50) :: name_var ! the name of the nth variable
50  character(len=255) :: att=' '
51  character(len=255),dimension(:),allocatable :: var_1d_char
53 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
54 !*** Read in the required compute dimensions, halo size, and filenames.
55 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
56  read(5,*)idim_compute,jdim_compute,halo,filename_full,filename_shaved
57  write(6,*)' id ',idim_compute,' jd ',jdim_compute,' halo ',halo
58  write(6,*)' fn_f ',trim(filename_full)
59  write(6,*)' fn_s ',trim(filename_shaved)
60  i_count_compute=idim_compute+2*halo
61  j_count_compute=jdim_compute+2*halo
62  i_count_super =2*i_count_compute
63  j_count_super =2*j_count_compute
65 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
66 !*** Open the netcdf file with the incoming data to be shaved.
67 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
68  call check(nf90_open(filename_full,nf90_nowrite,ncid_in)) ! Open the netcdf file; get the file ID.
69  call check(nf90_inquire(ncid_in,ndims,nvars,ngatts,unlimdimid)) ! Find the number of variables in the file.
71 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
72 !*** Create the NetCDF file that the shaved data will be written into.
73 !*** Match the NetCDF format of the input file.
74 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
75  call check(nf90_create(filename_shaved & !
76  ,or(nf90_classic_model,nf90_netcdf4) & ! Create NetCDF file for shaved data.
77  ,ncid_out)) !
79 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 !*** Replicate the dimensions from the input to the output file
81 !*** but change values as needed to account for the shaving. We
82 !*** know the grid file and orog file have given names for their
83 !*** x and y dimensions so use those to adjust to shaved values.
84 !*** NOTE: Gridpoints in the grid file are on the domain's
85 !*** supergrid while points in the orog file are on the
86 !*** compute grid.
87 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
88  do nd=1,ndims
89  call check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_in,nd,name_dim,len_dim)) ! Get this dimension's name and value.
90  select case (name_dim)
91  case ('nx') !---
92  len_dim=i_count_super !
93  xdim=name_dim !
94  file='grid_file' !
95  case ('nxp') ! Used by the
96  len_dim=i_count_super+1 ! grid file.
97  case ('ny') !
98  len_dim=j_count_super !
99  ydim=name_dim !
100  case ('nyp') !
101  len_dim=j_count_super+1 !---
102  case ('lon') !---
103  len_dim=i_count_compute !
104  xdim=name_dim ! Used by the
105  file='orog_file' ! orog file.
106  case ('lat') !
107  len_dim=j_count_compute !
108  ydim=name_dim !---
109  end select
110  dim_id=nd
111  call check(nf90_def_dim(ncid_out,name_dim,len_dim,dim_id)) !-- Insert dimension into the output file.
112  enddo
114 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
115 !*** The output file's variables must be defined while that file
116 !*** is still in define mode. Loop through the variables in the
117 !*** input file and define each of them in the output file.
118 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
119  do n=1,nvars
120  var_id=n
121  call check(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid_in,var_id,name_var,nctype & !-- name and type of this variable
122  ,ndims,dimids,natts)) !-- # of dimensions, ID, and attributes in this variable
123  if(ndims==1)then
124  call check(nf90_def_var(ncid_out,name_var,nctype,dimids(1),var_id)) !-- Define this 1-D variable in the output file.
125  elseif(ndims==2)then
126  call check(nf90_def_var(ncid_out,name_var,nctype,dimids,var_id)) !-- Define this 2-D variable in the output file.
127  endif
129 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
130 !*** Copy this variable's attributes to the output file's variable.
131 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
132  if(natts>0)then
133  do na=1,natts
134  call check(nf90_inq_attname(ncid_in,var_id,na,name_att)) !-- Get the attribute's name and ID from input file.
135  call check(nf90_copy_att(ncid_in,var_id,name_att,ncid_out,var_id)) !-- Copy to output file.
136  enddo
137  endif
138  enddo
140 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
141 !*** Copy the global attributes to the output file.
142 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
143  do n=1,ngatts
144  call check(nf90_inq_attname(ncid_in,nf90_global,n,name_att))
145  call check(nf90_copy_att(ncid_in,nf90_global,name_att,ncid_out,nf90_global))
146  enddo
147  call check(nf90_enddef(ncid_out)) !-- Put the output file into data mode.
149 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
150 !*** Get the x and y extents of the incoming grid with extra rows
151 !*** so we can find determine how many rows to shave off.
152 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
153  call check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_in,xdim,xdim_id)) !-- Find the ID of the x dimension.
154  call check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid_in,ydim,ydim_id)) !-- Find the ID of the y dimension.
155  call check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_in,xdim_id,name_xdim,len_x)) !-- Length of x dimension of vars in incoming file.
156  call check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_in,ydim_id,name_ydim,len_y)) !-- Length of y dimension of vars in incoming file.
157  if(trim(file)=='orog_file')then
158  i_start=(len_x-idim_compute)/2-halo+1 !-- Starting i of 2-D data with halo rows on compute grid.
159  j_start=(len_y-jdim_compute)/2-halo+1 !-- Starting j of 2-D data with halo rows on compute grid.
161  elseif(trim(file)=='grid_file')then
162  i_start=(len_x-2*idim_compute)/2-2*halo+1 !-- Starting i of 2-D data with halo rows on supergrid.
163  j_start=(len_y-2*jdim_compute)/2-2*halo+1 !-- Starting j of 2-D data with halo rows on supergrid.
164  endif
166 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
167 !*** We assume the # of extra rows on the incoming data is the same
168 !*** in both x and y so the # of rows to shave off to leave the
169 !*** halo rows is also the same in x and y. So consider only the
170 !*** values from the x dimension.
171 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
172  n_shave=i_start-1 !-- # of rows to shave off full data to leave halo rows.
174 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
175 !*** Now loop through all the variables in the input netcdf file,
176 !*** read in the data excluding all extra rows except for halo rows,
177 !*** and then write that out to the output file.
178 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
179  var_loop: do n=1,nvars
180  var_id=n
181  call check(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid_in,var_id,name_var,nctype & !-- The name and type of the nth variable
182  ,ndims,dimids,natts)) !-- The dimensions, ID, and attributes in the nth variable
183  call check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_in,dimids(1),name_xdim,len_x)) !-- Get the length of the input 1st dimension.
184  if(ndims==2)then
185  call check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid_in,dimids(2),name_ydim,len_y)) !-- Get the length of the input y dimension.
186  endif
188 !-------------------
189 !*** 1-D variables
190 !-------------------
191  if(ndims==1)then
193 !---------------
194 !*** Character
195 !---------------
196  if(nctype==nf90_char)then
197  n_start=1 !-- Start reading incoming character data at this location.
198  n_count=len_x !-- Character data is not gridded so not shaved.
199  allocate(var_1d_char(1:n_count),stat=istat)
200  call check(nf90_get_var(ncid_in,var_id,var_1d_char(:) & !-- Fill the 1-D character variable.
201  ,start=(/n_start/) &
202  ,count=(/n_count/)))
203  call check(nf90_put_var(ncid_out,var_id,var_1d_char)) !-- Write out the 1-D character variable.
204  deallocate(var_1d_char)
206 !---------------
207 !*** Numerical
208 !---------------
209  else
210  n_start=n_shave+1 !-- Start reading incoming data at this location.
211  n_count=len_dim-2*n_shave !-- # of datapoints to fill in the shaved 1-D variable.
212  allocate(var_1d_with_halo(1:n_count),stat=istat)
213  call check(nf90_get_var(ncid_in,var_id,var_1d_with_halo(:) & !-- Fill the shaved 1-D variable.
214  ,start=(/n_start/) &
215  ,count=(/n_count/)))
216  call check(nf90_put_var(ncid_out,var_id,var_1d_with_halo)) !-- Write out the shaved 1-D variable.
217  deallocate(var_1d_with_halo)
218  endif
220 !-------------------
221 !*** 2-D variables
222 !-------------------
223  elseif(ndims==2)then
224  if(trim(file)=='orog_file')then
225  i_start=(len_x-idim_compute)/2-halo+1 !-- Starting i of 2-D data with halo rows on compute grid.
226  j_start=(len_y-jdim_compute)/2-halo+1 !-- Starting j of 2-D data with halo rows on compute grid.
227  i_count=i_count_compute !-- i extent of 2-D data with halo rows on compute grid.
228  j_count=j_count_compute !-- j extent of 2-D data with halo rows on compute grid.
229  elseif(trim(file)=='grid_file')then
230  i_start=(len_x-2*idim_compute)/2-2*halo+1 !-- Starting i of 2-D data with halo rows on supergrid.
231  j_start=(len_y-2*jdim_compute)/2-2*halo+1 !-- Starting j of 2-D data with halo rows on supergrid.
232  i_count=i_count_super !-- i extent of 2-D data with halo rows on supergrid.
233  j_count=j_count_super !-- j extent of 2-D data with halo rows on supergrid.
234  if(trim(name_xdim)=='nxp')then
235  i_count=i_count+1 !-- nxp is # of cell corners in x, not centers.
236  endif
237  if(trim(name_ydim)=='nyp')then
238  j_count=j_count+1 !-- nyp is # of cell corners in y, not centers.
239  endif
240  endif
241  if(nctype==nf90_float)then !-- Single precision real variables
242  allocate(var_2d_with_halo(i_count,j_count),stat=istat)
243  call check(nf90_get_var(ncid_in,var_id,var_2d_with_halo(:,:) & !-- Fill array with compute data plus halo rows.
244  ,start=(/i_start,j_start/) &
245  ,count=(/i_count,j_count/)))
246  call check(nf90_put_var(ncid_out,var_id,var_2d_with_halo)) !-- Write out the shaved 2-D single precision variable.
247  deallocate(var_2d_with_halo)
248  elseif(nctype==nf90_double)then !-- Double precision real variables
249  allocate(var_2d_dbl_with_halo(i_count,j_count),stat=istat)
250  call check(nf90_get_var(ncid_in,var_id,var_2d_dbl_with_halo(:,:) & !-- Fill array with compute data plus halo rows.
251  ,start=(/i_start,j_start/) &
252  ,count=(/i_count,j_count/)))
253  call check(nf90_put_var(ncid_out,var_id,var_2d_dbl_with_halo)) !-- Write out the shaved 2-D double precision variable.
254  deallocate(var_2d_dbl_with_halo)
255  endif
256  endif
257  enddo var_loop
258  call check(nf90_close(ncid_out))
259  call check(nf90_close(ncid_in))
261  contains
266  subroutine check(status)
267  integer,intent(in) :: status
268  if(status /= nf90_noerr) then
269  print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
270  stop "Stopped"
271  end if
272  end subroutine check
273  end program shave_nc
program shave_nc
The grid driver step in FV3 preprocessing generates a grid_tile file and an oro_tile file for the reg...
Definition: shave_nc.F90:17
subroutine check(status)
Check results of netCDF call.