grid_tools  1.13.0
utils.F90 File Reference

Utility routines. More...

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module  utils
 Module that contains general utility routines.


subroutine utils::fill_regional_halo (data, halo)
 This routine extrapolate geolat_c and geolon_c halo points for the regional standalone grid. More...
subroutine utils::handle_err (status, string)
 Prints an error message to standard output, then halts program execution with a bad status. More...
subroutine utils::read_namelist
 Read the program namelist file. More...


character(len=512) utils::grid_file = ""
 Path/name of the grid mosaic file. More...
integer utils::grid_type = 0
 Grid type. More...
character(len=128) utils::mask_field = "slmsk"
 NetCDF record name of the land/sea mask. More...
logical utils::nested = .false.
 If true, process a global grid with a nest. More...
logical utils::regional = .false.
 If true, process a stand-alone regional grid. More...
real utils::res = 48.
 The 'CRES' resolution. More...
real utils::stretch_fac = 1.0
 Grid stretching factor. More...
character(len=128) utils::topo_field = "orog_filt"
 NetCDF record name of the filtered topography (or orography). More...
character(len=512) utils::topo_file = "orog"
 Path/name of the topography (or orography) file. More...
logical utils::zero_ocean = .true.
 If true, no diffusive flux into water/ocean area (preserve islands). More...

Detailed Description

Utility routines.

GFDL programmer

Definition in file utils.F90.