orog_mask_tools  1.13.0
gsl_oro_data.f90 File Reference

Create orographic (oro_data) files for use by GSL drag suite. More...

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program gsl_oro_data
 Brief description of program: Creates orographic (oro_data) files needed by the GSL drag suite physics parameterization. More...

Detailed Description

Create orographic (oro_data) files for use by GSL drag suite.

Michael Toy, NOAA/GSL


This program calls subroutines which calculate the parameters required for the GSL subgrid-scale orographic gravity-wave drag (GWDO) suite on the FV3 grid. These parameters are for the small-scale GWD (Tsiringakis et al., 2017) and turbulent orographic form drag (TOFD) (Beljaars et al., 2004) schemes of the GSL drag suite. The output fields are:

  • stddev standard deviation of subgrid-scale topograpy
  • convexity convexity (kurtosis) of subgrid-scale topography
  • ol{1,2,3,4} orographic effective lengths of subgrid-scale topography for 4 orientations: 1-westerly, 2-southerly, 3-southwesterly, 4-northwesterly
  • oa{1,2,3,4} orographic asymmetries of subgrid-scale topography for 4 orientations: 1-westerly, 2-southerly, 3-southwesterly, 4-northwesterly

Note: This program works for both the global FV3GFS cubed sphere, i.e., for tiles 1 through 6, (and 7 if nested grid) (halo.eq.-999 for no halo), and for the stand-alone regional lam (tile 7 and halo.ne.-999) If a halo number is given, this is only to specify the Cxxx_grid.halox data used for input. The oro_data files are always "halo0" output.

Based on code by Michael Duda provided by NCAR/MMM

Definition in file gsl_oro_data.f90.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ gsl_oro_data()

program gsl_oro_data ( )

Brief description of program: Creates orographic (oro_data) files needed by the GSL drag suite physics parameterization.

Michaei Toy, NOAA/GSL
0 for success, error code otherwise.

Definition at line 36 of file gsl_oro_data.f90.