sfc_climo_gen  1.13.0
search_frac_cats.f90 File Reference

Replace undefined values on the model grid. More...

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subroutine search_frac_cats (field, mask, idim, jdim, num_categories, tile, field_name)
 Replace undefined values on the model grid with valid values at a nearby neighbor. More...

Detailed Description

Replace undefined values on the model grid.

George Gayno

Definition in file search_frac_cats.f90.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ search_frac_cats()

subroutine search_frac_cats ( real(esmf_kind_r4), dimension(idim,jdim,num_categories), intent(inout)  field,
integer(esmf_kind_i4), dimension(idim,jdim), intent(in)  mask,
integer, intent(in)  idim,
integer, intent(in)  jdim,
integer, intent(in)  num_categories,
integer, intent(in)  tile,
character(len=*)  field_name 

Replace undefined values on the model grid with valid values at a nearby neighbor.

Undefined values are typically associated with isolated islands where there is no source data. Routine searches a neighborhood with a radius of 100 grid points. If no valid values are found, a default value is used. This routine works for one tile of a cubed sphere grid. It does not consider valid values at adjacent faces. This routine works for fractional categorical fields, such as soil type.

[in,out]field- input: Field before missing values are replaced.
  • output: Field after missing values are replaced.
[in]maskField bitmap. Field defined where mask=1.
[in]idimi dimension of tile.
[in]jdimj dimension of tile.
[in]num_categoriesNumber of veg/soil categories.
[in]tileTile number.
[in]field_nameField name.
George Gayno

Definition at line 25 of file search_frac_cats.f90.

Referenced by interp_frac_cats().