vcoord_gen  1.13.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
12 program driver
13  implicit none
14  integer levs,lupp,k
15  real pbot,psig,ppre,pupp,ptop,dpbot,dpsig,dppre,dpupp,dptop,pmin
16  real,allocatable:: ak(:),bk(:)
17  write(0,*) 'Enter levs,lupp,pbot,psig,ppre,pupp,ptop,dpbot,dpsig,dppre,dpupp,dptop'
18  read *,levs,lupp,pbot,psig,ppre,pupp,ptop,dpbot,dpsig,dppre,dpupp,dptop
19  allocate(ak(0:levs),bk(0:levs))
20  call vcoord_gen(levs,lupp,pbot,psig,ppre,pupp,ptop,dpbot,dpsig,dppre,dpupp,dptop,pmin,ak,bk)
21  write(0,*) 'pmin=',pmin
22  print '(2i6)',2,levs
23  print '(f12.3,f12.8)',(ak(k),bk(k),k=0,levs)
24 end program
subroutine vcoord_gen(levs, lupp, pbot, psig, ppre, pupp, ptop, dpbot, dpsig, dppre, dpupp, dptop, pmin, ak, bk)
This subprogram generates hybrid coordinate interface profiles from a few given parameters.
Definition: vcoord_gen.f90:153
program driver
This program generates hybrid coordinate parameters from fields such as surface pressure, model top and the number of vertical levels.
Definition: driver.f90:12